The Villain Era...Done RIGHT

The villain’s been hurt…and chooses to continue to hurt others out of that pain. But the villain era doesn’t have to be rooted in pain and revenge (as nice as those things are…they still don’t serve us…sighhhh). There is an even MORE powerful alternative.

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Tania Dakka
Do This...Until There's Nothing Left

So now, large fries, whole pizzas, social media/phone addictions, distilleries, and plugs (IYKYK) continue to suppress the emotions that we still so desperately need to feel.

It’s enough to make you want to give up doing the Great Work…to stop wanting to fight the demons and just succumb to them. Let them have their fills of us. Let them ravage us and take everything that remains because there’s no more fight left in us.

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Tania Dakka
What It Means To Be One Of Us...

Vito Corleone-level control is always on deck and it royally pisses people off because they want so badly to push your buttons, to see you stumbled under their control but the joke’s on them…you are 100% unf*ckwithable

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Tania Dakka
Do THIS Instead Of Wanting An Outcome And You'll Never Miss A Target

You cannot keep thinking the same thoughts, taking the same actions, making the same choices and thinking it’s going to magickally make the profit, the health, the relationship status…the CONNECTION WITH YOURSELF…appear on its own. 

We know this. 

Yet, we don’t LIVE this. 

Maybe it’s because it feels overwhelming. 

Maybe it’s just a fear of change/success/failure/rejection/whatever. 

Maybe it’s depression/hormones. 

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Tania Dakka
Sales Copy: How to Choose the right emotion

Recently, my MacBook started acting up. I had a huge meeting with a super important client coming up that day. So I went and bought a new one.
So excited to be getting the M1 chip to try it out and see how it compared, that I didn’t pay much attention to anything else.
Got the new MacBook home, opened it up and discovered the unthinkable…

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Tania Dakka