Making It Easy: A Daily Journey

Deciding is HARD. 

But only because…

It means now, you have to navigate the world completely naked. Open souled and rethinking every thought you think. 

When you “decide”, you have to then DO the actions that deciding requires. Your mind freaks out and is all, “FUCK THIS SHIT! IT’S TOO HARD AND WE DON’T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN! JUST DO WHAT WE KNOW, IT’S EASIER.” 

The next thing you know, you’re making the same choices you made before, doing the same thing…running the same programming. 

You can shift that “hard” into ease. 

It will still take a lot to maintain it in the beginning.
But, if you are prepared for it, you can take it. You can push through it.

You’re A Failure

I‘m currently working to rewire a newly uncovered belief that I am a failure. 

A belief that nothing I do will turn out the way that I want it to or think it should

…that I will fall short because I can’t follow through

…that motherhood is the only thing I’ve stuck with in my entire life

And the memory comes flooding back to that moment when I said I was going on a diet and my dad said, “Yeah, but you won’t stick to it.” 

He was right about me. He knew I was a failure.

He knew I’d never do it. 

But I did.


I didn’t remember that part

I didn’t remember that I got up at 4 am to shower, put on full make-up, and go to the gym to sweat it off, then shower and reapply said make-up for years. 

I didn’t remember that I ate chicken and salad every single day, for two meals a day, and downed a protein shake after every workout, allowing myself my guilty pleasure of a canned Mountain Dew, only.

I didn’t remember that I would walk or bike miles each day to get in the cardio I hated doing. 

I only remembered that he said I’d never stick to my plan because I never stick to anything. 

So, now…

Failure, my old friend, your narrative of control ends here

I CAN lose 100 lbs. 

I CAN regain control of my mind. 

I CAN fight this battle as many times as I need to. 

Because every fight is a win, itself. 

No longer is losing the weight the actual target. 

Sticking to the action is. 

And choosing my own destiny. 

Not you… 

Not the words of my past that were never even applicable, anyway. 

Here’s a trick I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza: 

Stay in the moment.
Stay in your body. 

Stay in conscious control. 

Because when you’re not, you’re running a program. 

And keep hitting the hardware (the unconscious programming you’re running) with meditation until it becomes software (a new program you code, yourself). 

That video is here:

Remember this: Every moment is a new moment to choose

We’re never starting from ZERO because every time we start, we’re closer than we were. 

So don’t listen to your mind. 

Don’t let autopilot be how you live your life. 


Every moment. 


Every emotion. 


To make it easy.

I have 3 spots open for sales pages for next week if you’re ready to OWN YOUR ROLE IN YOUR INDUSTRY.

PM me and let’s talk about how I help you do that.

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Tania Dakka