The Copywriting Gloves Are Off

Annnnnd 2 years later, we’re back to the blog!

In case you missed it, there HAS been stuff happening and things going on, but all-in-all, video (long and short form) has taken precedence and writing has been reserved for clients.

But it feels like now is a good time to start back up.

As we head into 2023, things are shifting. The wolves no longer need my attention as they once did (EDITOR’S NOTE: After reading this, the wolves demanded this line be amended because they said it was in no way true LOL - so let me say, “Since they are getting older…” 🤣) and life is begging for some brand new JUJU, as Robin Jonna Rosenhaus would call it. (Check her out if you need energy work, she’s afuckingmazing at clearing things out and getting your head back in the game.)

But right now, I also want to say I have been mostly silent because I felt pigeonholed to only talk about copy. I’m not only about copy, so that seems like a ridiculous idea, looking back.

As much as I love writing it, talking ONLY about copy ALL.THE.TIME. gets boring. I’m about so much more than that. I’m also about magick, motorcycles, music…and the beauty of the mind (heart & soul).

And if talking about nothing but copy gets boring for me, there’s NO WAY I can deliver my best for you.


I took a break. From blogging. From social media. From marketing, in general. Don’t call this a comeback (LL Cool J), call this a dipping my toe in and really feeling out what I need to produce FOR YOU to be YOUR best, whether it’s strictly about copy or about anything else.

I hereby remove the restrictions from this blog and leave you open to be exposed to FIRE BEYOND the WRITTEN WORD.


Speaking of fire and copy, if you are ready to ignite yours, begin inside.

Begin where your heart and your soul intersect. Allow all that is in you to pour out onto the page. Don’t worry about whether or not you’ve used "cognitive bias”, the write “headline formula”, or “cognitive manipulation” to get your reader to the YES.

Your soul is what gets them there.

The problem comes in if you are not RIDDLED with the conviction that you KNOW your program is THE SOLUTION they’re looking for because you have so much self-doubt coursing through your veins that you can’t find that conviction.


If you don’t believe in yourself, even if I write your copy, you can’t/won’t market it to the fullest extent of your ability because there will always be that thought in the back of your mind, “can I really do this? Who am I to think I can do this? There are SO many other solutions out there, why would I think mine is better??”

You have to be able to sell YOU to YOU FIRST.

THEN, they’ll listen. Then, they’ll feel it.

Practice rewiring your mind to KNOW you are THE ONE.

Rewrite that THE ONE even MEANS.

Don’t over-promise.

DO overdeliver.

That’s how you get around your mind so you can FULLY and UNABASHEDLY show up for yourself, for your business, and for the people who NEED you and your programs.


As Ryan Holiday wrote in his latest book, Discipline Is Destiny, “Show up…when you’re tired…when you don’t have to…even if you have an excuse…even if you’re busy…even if you won’t get recognized for it…even if it’s kicking your ass lately.” That discipline helps you to create trust in yourself and your mind.

That trust is what helps you unlock that conviction that you need to market the programs you sell in a way that backs up the copy that you or I write for them.

You have what it takes.

You just need to see it.

You need to FEEL it.

That’s when the copy stops being words and starts being the FIRE that gets them to the Yes.

Upcoming: Savage Messaging. Done-for-you funnel & web copy bundle that aligns you and your ideal clients with your highest and greatest truths so when they read your words, they scramble to give you the YES. PM me for details.

Check out the copy that made me cry on this episode of the podcast!

Tania Dakka