Do THIS Instead Of Wanting An Outcome And You'll Never Miss A Target

You can’t just want it. 

You have to want it enough to do the work. 

As I continue to fight my brain…the one that says, “How have you let yourself go so badly?”...the one that keeps telling me I am still 29, even if the mirror clearly says I’m 50…, I keep thinking that if I WANT it, it will happen. 

I know logically, that’s not the case. 

We don’t WANT the work. 

We just want the OUTCOME. 

But we can’t have one without the other. 

If I want to get back in shape, I will have to move my ass.
If I want to have the things I want for the wolves, I’m going to have to learn to be mindful. 
If I want to GO BEYOND (IO HEKA IO HO!), I’m going to have to get IN THE MANDALA. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Sorcery of Hekate is starting in a month - if you want to learn how to Go BEYOND using magick, sorcery and working with the Goddess/Queen of Witchcraft, click here.

The shit doesn’t happen on its own. 

So, while I sit here and write words that are going to help others sell millions, I can’t JUST sit here and write words. 

This was the realization my brain came up with last night. 

“Oh…you want to get fit? I guess you better actually DO something to GET it.” 

Da fuck? 

Like, what was I thinking? 

I think I was thinking that if I want it bad enough the work won’t seem like work and I’ll automatically want to do it. 


That’s literally NOT how that works. 

You’re going to have to actually start doing the work (not waiting to WANT to).

Sidenote: I LITERALLY just stood up out of my chair THIS MOMENT…in the middle of writing this…to get up and go to the kitchen to get something to eat when I literally laid the plan like an hour ago that did NOT include MUNCHING at this hour. Like WHAT? 

What stopped me was that I remembered

The realization that just because my tummy feels empty doesn’t mean I have to eat. Then, I remembered that I’d laid out the plan just moments ago. 

That’s the work. 

The work is remembering, choosing, and DOING. 





Remember your goal. Remember your WHY. Choose them both over the thoughts/events that you typically choose. Then, TAKE ACTION.

It doesn’t matter what you WANT…

It only matters what you do to get it. 

You cannot keep thinking the same thoughts, taking the same actions, making the same choices, and thinking it’s going to magickally make the profit, the health, the relationship status…the CONNECTION WITH YOURSELF…appear on its own. 

We know this. 

Yet, we don’t LIVE this. 

Maybe it’s because it feels overwhelming. 

Maybe it’s just a fear of change/success/failure/rejection/whatever. 

Maybe it’s depression/hormones. 

Maybe you can still make another choice. 

It might be hard to choose the first time. 

It might be hard to choose the second time. 

But know this…

Every single time you make a choice, you are doing the work it takes to get where you want to be. Every. Single. Time. 

So, don’t say you want X outcome. 

Say you want to take Y action. 

Those actions? Will become the X you wanted to start with. 

What does your “work” to achieve your goals look like today? 

Kick ass! 

Tania Dakka

”The first campaign I ran with Tania's emails and sales page brought in £30K in 6 days. That's a GREAT return on investment.” ~Claire Mitchell, 6-Figure Coach

I’ve been writing sales copy for 6&7-figure businesses since 2011. I use my own proven technique to elicit emotion and move readers into action so you can keep choosing to do this work while I help you create higher profits than you ever thought you could. 
PM me to find out how you can increase your revenue with a powerful and profitable sales page.

Tania Dakka